Bow Your Head in Prayer, Not Defeat

This is for all of you that are in a fierce battle today. I want to encourage you that God already knows the outcome. He already knows how He will help you reach the other side of the mountain, how He will carry you through the storm. We just have to trust that He sees us, that He knows where we are and WHO we are. He knows our name and He will call you by name.

It always amazed me when I first started attending Evangel Temple that my pastor knew my name when there were a thousand more people at our church. He didn’t know my name because I had done something great. I was new and only sitting on a pew. He knew my name because I mattered to him even though he didn’t know me. How much more special is it that God, the maker of the universe, knows my name even though He has billions of people to care for. He knows me better than I know myself — He knows every flaw and every mistake I’ve made — yet I matter to Him!! Because I matter to Him, He is going to walk with me through every storm and every trial I face. He will be working everything out for my good as we go along (Romans 8:28).

He is a good, good father and I’m so very thankful for His promises of faithfulness. So today, realize that although the enemy may be taunting you and poking at you this morning, you can defeat Him by faith in prayer.

We are made overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). Bow your head today in prayer but not in defeat. Praise the Lord in that prayer for victory. As you lift your head and say Amen, “you will give the devil a black eye” (that’s a direct quote from my PawPaw)!!

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