That may sound like a silly question but just hear me out. I worked for my dad from the age of 14 to 24. It wasn’t as easy as you might think. When I would come home complaining to my mom, she would simply say, “If you can work for your daddy, you will be able to work for anybody!” It was true. He was hard on me and Mike but it was because he loved us and wanted to teach us great work ethic. One thing he always insisted on was that I write with a pen that had black ink. I still don’t know the purpose behind that (and I preferred a blue ink pen). Seriously, he would fuss if I wrote in blue, but he was the boss so black it was.
This pen I am holding is one of my favorites. It was made and gifted to me by my friend Ralph. It’s made of olive wood and hand-turned by him. It writes so good too. My dad would love it also because it’s black ink. As I’m writing notes from training or client support calls or coaching support calls, that’s the pen I grab on my desk. Just as I get to choose my pen for my taking notes, I also get to choose the pen for my life.
God is writing my life’s story but He allows me to pick the pen.
It’s up to me whether I choose a pen based on choices that line up with His word or whether I choose a pen with different ink color and go out on my own. Sometimes, when I worked for my dad, I would choose a blue ink pen and then get in trouble and have to re-write everything I had just done. It’s the same in my walk with the Lord. When I grab a pen that doesn’t serve me well and I start doing my own thing rather than the way His Word and Spirit guide me, I get “in trouble”, aka face the consequences of my actions, and I sometimes have to do things over.
Today are you holding the pen of God’s will in your hand so that your story is neatly written, or will you choose a pen that serves your will, and have to retrace those steps later??
The decision is yours today!! Choose the right pen!!