So many times, I go through my days not stopping to think of how good He is to me. I don’t stop long enough to smell the roses, and I don’t stop often enough to give Him the praise He is due. He didn’t have to wake me up this morning. He didn’t have to give me my health. He didn’t have to give me strength to make it through another day. He didn’t have to provide for me today. But He did all of this and more. Praise and thanks go hand in hand. He deserves all of our praise and glory and honor. Have you stopped to praise Him today? If not, take a moment and just praise Him for who He is. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end; He is El Shaddai; He is the bright and morning star; He is the Prince of Peace; He is the Lily in the Valley; He is the Rose of Sharon; He is Jehovah J
irah, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rophe! And He is our soon-coming King!Like what you’ve read? Read the full passage when you order a signed copy of the 365 day devotional, Reflections of God’s Grace below.